Team members Beautiful Disaster by Kashif Baig

Python program to swap two numbers

  Swap two numbers by four easy methods 1) By Using a temporary variable

2) Without Using Temporary Variable 3) By Using addition and subtraction 4) Using multiplication and division 5) Using XOR swap. This algorithm works for integers only

x = 5

y = 10

# Using a temporary variable


temp = x

x = y

y = temp

print(f'By M-1 After swapping:x = {x}, y = {y}')

# Without Using Temporary Variable


x, y = y, x

print(f'By M-2 After swapping:x = {x}, y = {y}')

# Using addition and subtraction

x = x + y

y = x - y

x = x - y

print(f'By M-3 After swapping:x = {x}, y = {y}')


# Using multiplication and division

x = x * y

y = x / y

x = x / y

print(f'By M-4 After swapping:x = {x}, y = {y}')


# Using XOR swap. This algorithm works for integers only

x = int(x)

y = int(y)

x = x ^ y

y = x ^ y

x = x ^ y

print(f'By M-5 After swapping:x = {x}, y = {y}')


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