Team members Beautiful Disaster by Kashif Baig

Industrial Engineering KME 503 NOTES


🔗note: every topic with blue colour means hyperlink is their, you can study every topic by clicking them. 

Subject Code: KME 503 Industrial Engineering L T P : 3 1 0   Credits: 4

 Unit‐I:   Overview of Industrial Engineering: Types of production systems, concept of productivity, productivity measurement in manufacturing and service organizations, operations strategies, liability and process design.   Facility location and layout: Factors affecting facility location; principle of plant layout design, types of plant layout; computer aided layout design techniques; assembly line balancing; materials handling principles, types of material handling systems, methods of process planning, steps in process selection, production equipment and tooling selection, group technology, and flexible manufacturing.

Unit II:   Production Planning and control: Forecasting techniques – causal and time series models, moving average, exponential smoothing, trend and seasonality; aggregate production planning; master production scheduling; materials requirement planning (MRP) and MRP‐II; routing, scheduling and priority dispatching, concept of JIT manufacturing system   Project Management:  Project network analysis, CPM, PERT and Project crashing. 

Unit III: Engineering economy and Inventory control: Methods of depreciation; break‐even analysis, techniques for evaluation of capital investments, financial statements, time‐cost trade‐off, resource levelling; Inventory functions, costs, classifications, deterministic inventory models, perpetual and periodic inventory control systems, ABC analysis, and VED analysis. Queuing Theory: Basis of Queuing theory, elements of queuing theory, Operating characteristics of a queuing system, Classification of Queuing models.

 Unit IV   Work System Design: Taylor’s scientific management, Gilbreths’s contributions; work study: method study, micro‐motion study, principles of motion economy; work measurement –time study, work sampling, standard data, Predetermined motion time system (PMTS); ergonomics; job evaluation, merit rating, incentive schemes, and wage administration. Course Outcomes: The students will be able to Blooms Taxonomy CO1 Understand the concept of production system, productivity, facility and process planning in various industries   K2 CO2 Apply the various forecasting and project management techniques K3 CO3 Apply the concept of break‐even analysis, inventory control and resource utilization  using queuing theory K3 CO4 Apply principles of work study and ergonomics for design of work systems K3 CO5 Formulate mathematical models for optimal solution of industrial problems using linear programming approach K4 10 Product Design and Development: Principles of product design, tolerance design; quality and cost considerations; product life cycle; standardization, simplification, diversification, value engineering and analysis, and concurrent engineering.   

Unit V:   Operational Analysis: Formulation of LPP, Graphical solution of LPP, Simplex Method, Sensitivity Analysis, degeneracy and unbound solutions. transportation and assignment models; Optimality test: the stepping stone method and MODI method, simulation. 


*few topics are remaining to post i will upload them soon.

