Thermodynamics Gate Class notes .
1# Basic Concepts, Definitions, Aim of Thermodynamics, System and Types of systems:
2# Boundary Layer, Surrounding, Concept of continuum, Knudsen Number
3# Mean free path length, Macroscopic and Microscopic points of view, Thermodynamic properties:
4# Extensive property, Important Points with respect to properties, Thermodynamics State, Thermodynamics Path, Thermodynamic process, Cycle:
5# Pure Substance, Gibs phase Rule, Thermodynamic Equilibrium
6# Quasi-Static Process, Reversible Process, Irreversible process:
7# Point Function, Path function, Exact Differential, Inexact Differential:
8# Inexact Differential, Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, Thermometric Principle, Temperature Scales:
9# Ice Point and Steam point and Numerical based on Temperature Scale:
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